Beautiful decay. 

There is insane love for flowers amongst young and old. And why not. Flowers just sit there all pretty, dressed in their most gorgeous palette of colours, alluring everyone from the bee to the lover wanting to impress his love. 

Come spring and my city of London is blooming. Trees and shrubs and even the wild garden weeds. Just blessing this earth into a paradise of colour and sweet scent. 

But what blooms must also wither. 

The tulips in my flower pot and the cherry blossoms on my street have all shone their brightest and are now bidding adieu. 

To me, they still look absolutely gorgeous, stuck in between the fresh new buds and bright shining leaves. Taking in the last bit of sunshine and giving out its final dash of fragrance. 

The only way I can explain why I stop to look and capture these fading light is via an old Japanese saying, wabi-sabi. It means “simply, an intuitive way of living that emphasises finding beauty in imperfection and accepting the natural cycle of growth and death”.

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